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梅根谷仓ey '17: Exploring 历史 beyond the textbooks

For 梅根谷仓ey ’17, a more inclusive 历史 can help prevent 历史 from repeating itself. This is a principle she applies in the way she does her work with Facing 历史 & 我们自己, an educational non-profit organization that uses lessons of 历史 to challenge teachers and their students to stand up to bigotry and hate.

“The way I’ve thought about it in my work is by ensuring accessibility and access,” she explained. “It can apply to practical things like paying attention to the level you are writing at and who has access to that and who doesn’t.”

2023年秋天, Barney visited the 埃尔迈拉大学 campus to give a presentation called, “共同创造更具包容性的历史.” Barney earned a BA in 历史 and American Studies at EC and an MA in Public 历史 with a Certificate in Digital Humanities from Northeastern University.

在她的演讲中, 巴尼挑战教员, 工作人员, and students to learn about the people and voices not typically listed in the 历史 textbooks. The information is based on her research for a project called 历史需要新的英雄.

Barney helped visually demonstrate the skewed view of 历史 she says many people have received in school. 为了强调这一课, she challenged attendees to think about the historical figures they learned about and then submit their responses electronically. These responses were then formed into a word cloud on the presentation screen. Overwhelmingly, the list of names included United States presidents. 除了马丁·路德·金., very few names were of women or people of color.

"It was a treat to see my former student provide an engaging and thoughtful presentation on one of the most pressing questions facing the 历史 curriculum today: Whose stories get told? 谁的故事重要?? What happens when you include a forgotten/lost/ignored voice in the discussion?” Dr. Charles Mitchell, Professor of American Studies, said. 正如梅金巧妙地指出的那样, one of the things that happens when you go beyond the textbook, 你会更彻底吗, 更有趣的是, 历史."

Barney also enjoyed returning to 埃尔迈拉大学 where she not only could see a few former classmates, but also those who taught her the lessons that have helped her along her professional journey.

“Now I can come back and say, this is what I took with me and what I’ve evolved into,” she said.

“I was given many opportunities at EC to speak and take on leadership positions. I was an orientation leader and helped run the orientation program and that built my leadership skills in ways you can’t do in bigger colleges and universities.”
